Selected Presentations
CCAR Member, Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate 2018–present.
“The need for this task force became evident from conversations that emerged in the aftermath of the national election of 2016, the publication of The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate, and the CCAR member support study. We know that women rabbis still encounter substantial obstacles which require critical conversation and examination. Women rabbis report experiencing gender-based bias, inappropriate comments, sexual harassment, sexual assault, lack of proper institutional support, undermining behavior, and issues related to contracts, pay equity, and parental leave. Intertwined with these challenges are also issues of sexuality and gender nonconformity.”
“Saying Goodbye: A healthy way to leave your position,” CCAR Webinar with Rabbi Cindy Enger, 1/30/19.
“In this transition webinar, we will explore leaving a position and the many aspects of saying goodbye with intention and awareness. Among the topics we will discuss are: monitoring one's self and the vast array of emotions we may be feeling; how we affect the transfer of information and relationships; assessing what it is that we need to complete or have in process before we leave.”
“The Kavanaugh Hearings: Supporting Each Other at a Moment of National Conflict,” CCAR Webinar moderator, 10/4/18.
“The Senate hearings on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh have raised deep and painful feelings for many of us. In partnership with the Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate, and the Women’s Rabbinic Network, we are providing an opportunity to come together in a safe and sacred listening space...”
“What Did You Just Say?” CCAR Webinar with Diana Ho and Rabbi Hara Person, 1/20/18.
“What are the tools we can use to counter comments that are inappropriate, offensive or hurtful? We will explore techniques for responding to comments directed at us and how to be supportive bystanders.”
“Carrying Our Own Grief as We Shepherd Others Through Theirs; Being a Mourner While Leading a Community in Mourning,” CCAR Webinar with Rabbi Rex Perlmeter, 9/5/17.
“As we prepare for the Yamim Noraim, most of us anticipate leading Yizkor and cemetery observances. All of us are likely to encounter the grief of others, but some of us will also be going through the experience of our own painful losses. How do we navigate our own spiritual encounter with death even as we shepherd others through theirs?”
“Managing Aggression: Yours, Mine and Ours,” Workshop, Women’s Rabbinic Network Convention, Baltimore, 6/6/17.
“Mental Health and Wellness Challenges for Women Rabbis,” with Dr. Betsy Stone, Webinar, Women’s Rabbinic Network, 5/23/17.
“Holding Steady in a Sea of Change,” with Rabbi Betsy Torop and Rabbi Rex Perlmeter, Webinar, 11/11/16.
“Azkarah: In Memory," Jerusalem, CCAR Conference 2/27/16.
Keynote speaker, “Advancing Your Personal Vision: Developing and Applying a Self-Care Practice” and “When Visions Collide: Practicing Self-Care in the Real World,” UJA-Federation Rabbinic Fellowship for Visionary Leaders, Annual Retreat, 6/4/15.
"Nefesh in the Mishkan: Transitional Space," CCAR Conference Philadelphia, 3/18/15.
Audio presentation: "Tackling the Unique Challenges of Being a Woman Rabbi: A Panel of Three Professional Rabbinic Coaches"
Womens’ Rabbinic Network Webinar, 3/15/16. (In response to the following questions: How do we navigate using aggression and emotion in the rabbinate? Time-management: How do you determine what you want out of your rabbinate and your life? Are you entitled to have a life?)
"Rabbinic Self-Care,” with Rabbi Seth Bernstein, CCAR Conference Philadelphia, 3/17/15.
“Sharing Our Wisdom, Not Our Baggage: The Challenge of Creating and Maintaining Personal and Professional Boundaries in the Mentoring Relationship,” Webinar, Ongoing Training for CCAR Mentors, 3/9/15.
"Isolation in Small(er) Congregations,” Webinar, CCAR Rabbis of Small(er) URJ and other Congregations, 1/15/15.
Getting What You Wish For: Jewish Professionals and the Emotional Meaning of Money, Keynote: Wexner Graduate Fellowship Winter Institute, January 2007. (Brief excerpt available here.)
What to Do When There’s Too Much to Do: Ideas for Self Care, Keynote: NJ Association of Jewish Communal Service, May 30, 2008.
“Why Me?,” Stanford University Baccalaureate Address, Palo Alto, California, June 15, 2002.
The Perfect Cantor (with Cantor Betsey Peters-Epstein)
Caring for the Caretaker: Rabbis and Supervision, Jewish Theological Seminary, Feb. 15, 2001.
Mentoring the Mentors, Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion, Fall 2011.